When someone makes the decision to drive after they have had a drink of alcohol, they are not only breaking the law but they are jeopardizing the lives of other people. Plus, they are essentially giving away years of their life to the alcohol. They probably didn't even know what an SR22 form was until after they got their suspended driver's license back and tried to reinstate their auto insurance. The shock started sinking in a few minutes after the auto insurance agent said that they couldn't offer coverage any longer because they didn't handle SR22 cases. Then the agent handed a business card to the uninsured vehicle owner with the name of a smaller bank and a vice-president that specialized in selling SR22 insurance to people in the same position. The vehicle owner had thought the worst was over, but now it was clear that this was not the case. The newly uninsured driver was now getting the picture and knew that they would not only be in the high risk category but now the classification would be the highest risk and would stay in that category for the next three years.
This is probably the worst situation any driver will have to endure during their driving history. They're going to need to spend some time shopping for a protection provider that will provide vehicle coverage at a price that is affordable. That will not be an easy task, but it is not impossible either. The internet has made it possible for vehicle owners in the worst of situations to find incredible deals that will help put them back on the road. They've paid for their mistake with fines and a suspended license and points on their motor vehicle record and now they're ready to put things back in order in their lives. Finding the right provider will start that process in motion and the internet is where that provider will be found. It will just take the determination we all have in us when it's needed and it will whelm up from somewhere inside and take us to the place where we can do anything if we try hard enough. You can't give up when you have a purpose and that is to make up for a bad mistake by putting things back in order and it starts with getting the vehicle protection needed and the internet in the place to help you do that.
After hours of research and making comparisons looking for the best deal possible in an impossible situation, there will be some insurance company that will reach out and give this person a chance by providing vehicle coverage so they can start driving again and get back to living a normal life. They will, of course, avoid drinking and driving for the remainder of their lives. There is always a friend that can provide a ride home or even calling a taxi would be much more appropriate than putting that key in the ignition and taking another chance with life.
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